Friday 3rd May

Happy Friday!

Firstly, a reminder that it is a bank holiday weekend so school will be closed on Monday.

This week one of our many building projects was completed - our nursery garden is looking amazing and we are looking forward to seeing the impact of this provision on the children’s learning. Although this garden is predominantly for our nursery children, we know that the whole school will want to see it at least once so we will be organising for that to happen. We know that our year six children will be very supportive of the nursery children and encourage them to explore the different areas. The garden includes a small climbing frame, complete with slide; a moveable trim trail; a track for bikes and other vehicles; a mud kitchen; sand and water play; and a storytelling area.

Thank you to the parents who attended the year one phonics workshop this week. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with their home grown-ups. Phonics is the start of every child’s reading journey, and as reading is an essential life skill, it is great to be able to work alongside our parenting community in this area.

Today our children started a new cycle of enrichment activities, these included junk modelling and looking after our school environment. Their junk model creations were most creative, and it was nice to see the children being able to express their creativity in this way. The children were also very keen to ensure that our playgrounds were free of litter, and they spent some time doing this - Mr Weston is very impressed!

This week I shared the news that I will be on maternity leave for the majority of next academic year, and that Miss Walters will be acting headteacher in my absence. A huge thank you to everyone who has shared in my excitement, and expressed their confidence in Miss Walters. We do have an amazing community!

Wishing you all a wonderful extended weekend and see you on Tuesday.

Hannah Grasby23/24