Friday 8th March

So much has happened this week at Olive Hill - it has been a busy one again! With only two more weeks left of the Spring term, we cannot believe how quickly the weeks are flying by.

On Monday and Tuesday morning, each year one class went on an adventure to Saltwells Nature Reserve, where they learnt about the signs of Spring. Their guide took them on a walk of the woodland, and they discussed what wildlife and flowers they should start to see appearing over the coming months. The children were impeccably behaved and asked some great questions.

Thank you to all the year six parents who attended the SATs workshop on Tuesday afternoon. We hope that you found the information provided useful. The children were so pleased to share their exam technique with their parents and loved seeing their adults puzzled over the questions.

On Wednesday, as part of their writing unit, year three went on a walk to Leasowes Park. Their key text this half term is ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ and it is about a little boy who follows the journey of his jar of water. Therefore, we wanted the children to experience a similar journey where they got to see a range of contrasting environments including grassland, roads and even a small waterfall. The children greatly enjoyed their walk and returned to school with tales of slipping and sliding in the mud.

Yesterday, we celebrated World Book Day, where the children were able to come into school dressed as a word. We had some incredibly creative costumes, which exposed the children to an array of new vocabulary, and it was so lovely to see them stopping each other in the corridor and trying to work out the word they had come dressed as. The day was full of book related fun including the chance to write an imaginative piece of writing, a competition to guess the teacher’s bookshelf and a story swap at the end of the day!

Year five were super excited today after their author visit to see Frank Cottrell- Boyce, who some will recognise as the author of our year five key text ‘Cosmic.’ He was introducing his new book ‘The Wonder Brothers,’ and he carried out several magic tricks as the book is about two cousins who adore magic. Those who wanted to, were able to purchase a copy of the book and it was so lovely to see them reading these as they headed out of school this afternoon.

Today the children in year five and six, who are a part of ‘Olive Hill’s Wind Band’ performed in assembly to the whole of Key Stage Two and their parents. They treated us to four songs, and we were blown away by their impeccable timing and musical ability. A special thanks to Miss Raphael and her parents, who have been running the after school club since the beginning of the Spring term.

We have sent a number of letters via ParentMail this week, so please make sure you are checking your inbox regularly. Letters have included:

  • · Information regarding Easter activities on the last day of term;

  • Information regarding arrangements for Ramadan;

  • Information regarding Red Nose Day next Friday.

Don’t forget, next week is the first week of parents evening and we look forward to welcoming you into school to celebrate your child’s learning with us. If you haven’t booked an appointment yet, there is still time so please visit our website to access our online booking system School Cloud.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Megan Walters23/24