Friday 2nd February

Happy Friday!

We hope everyone has had a good week. We continue to receive information regarding measles from Dudley Public Health - this information is then shared with you via ParentMail and/or posters near the main school office.

From now until the end of the academic year, we have a number of building and maintenance projects taking place at Olive Hill. Some of these projects are more exciting than others, and some will be more visible than others. The most exciting project is the development of our nursery outdoor area, and this is due to start in March. The new outdoor area will provide our nursery children with direct access to an outside environment and their new environment will contain some fabulous equipment including a miniature climbing frame, bike track, mud kitchen, sandpit and water play. Whilst this work is taking place there will be some disruption to the entrance/exit we use for Breakfast Club, reception and nursery. Further details will be sent to families nearer the time explaining the exits and entrances we will use whilst the building work is taking place.

Not as exciting, but still very important, is the replacement of some of our perimeter fencing - including the fence that runs alongside the gulley. Who knew there were so many different fencing options available! We will also be having our fire alarm system replaced, and over the summer holidays our flat roofs will replaced. Mr Weston will be very busy supervising all of these contractors.

As you will be aware, Dudley Catering will no longer be operating after the end of this term. From the start of the summer term we will have a new catering contract, with a new company. This will mean some changes for the children, however, the kitchen staff will remain the same. This week the child leadership team have been discussing food options with Miss Richardson, and today they got to see the new menu possibilities. We do have some choices to make and the children have been helping us to make those choices. There are lots of delicious looking items on the menu: roasted vegetable quesadilla with roast potatoes; chicken gyros with roast potatoes or wedges; vegetable shawarma with rice; Asian chicken noodles or rice - and lots more. Desserts include: apple and rhubarb crumble with custard; fruit shortbread; garden brownie and cheesecake. Further information will be provided to parents in due course.

Please make sure you inform school if your child is going to be absent from school without delay. If your child is not in school, and we are unable to contact you, we will follow our safeguarding procedures and this includes contacting Children’s Services. Absences can be reported by phoning the school, emailing the info@ account, or reporting directly to Mrs Bird at school drop off. Leave of Absence requests must be completed for all absences that don’t relate to an unexpected illness including medical appointments and term-time holidays.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Hannah Grasby23/24