Friday 22nd March

Happy Friday!

In just 10 weeks we have completed the spring term of the academic year 2023/24. Time certainly seems to be racing away but we still manage to achieve lots of beautiful learning across the school. We had a fabulous end to the term, with many children showcasing their creative talents through their Easter bonnets and egg scenes. Mrs Carpenter and Mrs Bird made excellent, if some what reluctant, judges. Thank you to all the parents who turned up at the end of the day to support the parades - the spring chicken song is definitely one that remains in your head long after you’ve heard it.

This week the school dairy has been as busy as ever. Year two, year four and year six have all showcased their learning through a performance, and nursery shared their learning in an exhibition. Thank you to all parents who came along to support these events.

We also had the remainder of our parent’s evenings where children were discussed as individuals in great detail. We do hope that their were lots of proud parents.

On Monday, our Rocky Steady members showcased their musical talents to a captive audience - we do hope these children will continue their musical journey throughout their time in education and beyond. Year five had a special Mexican Day on Monday, complete with costumes and food tasting. The guacamole and tortilla chips were a hit!

On Tuesday morning we had a special visitor in school - an OFSTED inspector! As a school we regularly support university students to develop their skills and expertise as teachers and just like schools, universities are subject to OFSTED inspections. As part of the process, the inspectors come out to schools to observe the students and meet with their mentors. It was fantastic to hear that we have great mentors here at Olive Hill.

Over the holidays we will have lots of building work start, some of this building work is essential to maintain the school building including the roof. This week we have had lots of meetings about the building work and please do spare a thought for Mr Weston who will not be able to take a break this Easter as he will need to open and close the school site every day, including on the weekends, to allow access for the buidlers. We do anticiapte that their will be some disruption to entrances and exits due to the work taking place, however, we will send you information regarding this on Monday 8th April (don’t forget this day is an INSET day for the children).

This evening you sould have received an end of term letter via ParentMail. If you are not receiving communication from the school, please make sure your details are correct with the school office.

As always when we come to the end of a term, we have lots to be grateful for. First and foremost, we have a school full of the most wonderful children who make us smile every day. These special children are supported by a fantatsic team of dedicated adults who go above and beyond to meet their needs. The children and staff are supported by the lovely Olive Hill community and we thank everyone for that. It is now time to enjoy a two week break before we head into the final term of the academic year. Mkae the most of the precious time you have together and create the best memories.

We look forwrad to seeing everyone on Tuesday 9th April.

Hannah Grasby23/24